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Sunday 5 December 2010

Assignment (Unit 101-105) - WWII Shoot - Day 2

Last Sunday I set out into the unknown to try to make my visions come to life.  Sadly last week's shoot didn't fulfil those vivid dreams of a glorious days photography.  This morning, with a car full of equipment and my trusty volunteers at hand, I once again set out into the now not so unknown to see if I could do better.

Last week I made the stupid mistake of not having a full battery at my disposal so I am pleased to announce that there were no such troubles this week.  I did manage to break my tripod though.

left pic f/5.6 1/80sec ISO-400 right pic f/5.6 1/30sec ISO-400

When we arrived at our location we were quite surprised to find a lot of people wondering about.  Now this is early morning, in the freezing cold and there were actually quite a few people getting ready to do a spot of rallying.  Luckily they rallied off over to a nearby quarry and left our side of the woods alone. 

It took me a while to sort out my camera settings.  The woods were quite dark with the odd ray of sunshine bursting through the canopy.  I tried a number of settings and had varying results.  I mainly found myself using my camera's widest aperture.  Because of the lack of light I found using ISO-400 got the best results.  I was reluctant to use a higher ISO because I found the image quality would have deteriorated.  I did have to bump the ISO up to 800 as we started to lose the light after a few hours.

 left pic f/5.6 1/40sec ISO-400 right pic f/5.6 1/30sec ISO-400

For a lot of these pictures I decided I was going to tell a little story.  You can kind of tell whats happening without me having to explain it.  I found some great little places thanks to last weeks recon so once I had found settings that worked it was quite a quick process arranging my shots.

My major concern is the sharpness of the images.  Now I had this problem last week and have pretty much experienced the same problems this week.  I took hundreds of photo's and the results were a mixed bag of surprises.  I tried a lot of settings to see if that would make any difference and I even flicked the camera into auto focus for a few shots.  This didn't improve the situation.  I have decided that I'll just have to get a new standard lens for Christmas.

f/5.6 1/30sec ISO-400
Im not sure if these photo's are good enough to be selected for my final piece.  I'd like to think they are but there's just something that bugs me about them.  I think I need to view them on a bigger and better screen than the one I have at my disposal.  I keep complaining about my laptop but seriously, how are you supposed to edit brightness and contrast when whichever way you move your head your screen looks completely different?

Also, this blogger is really starting to annoy me, it never seems to do what I ask. 

A bad workman always blames his tools.  Maybe that's the problem, maybe I'm just not as good at photography as I think I am.  Now that's ruined my day.

f/5.6 1/100sec ISO-800

f/5.6 1/40sec ISO-800

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